How Can I Help My Cousin Find a Drug Rehab in Altoona, Pennsylvania?

Question by dolores t: How can I help my cousin find a drug rehab in Altoona, Pennsylvania?
I promised my cousin that I would help him find a drug rehab since I was the one who tried so hard and was incessantly persuading him to get himself treated. I really want to help out, but I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions, please?

Best answer:

Answer by just me
You’re best bet is to call the local hospital or drug counceling program…..

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Drug Dealer Says Lindsay Lohan Spent 000 on Drugs Before Rehab

Filed under: drug rehab

According to her ex-drug dealer, Lindsay plans to go back to her ways when she leaves the facility. "Lindsay still wants to party," David 'DJ' Joseph said. "But she feels going to rehab saves face in the eyes of the public." DJ said he has been Lindsay …
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Bethlehem officials to consider smaller drug treatment hospital

Filed under: drug rehab

Atiyeh says they're different from the drug treatment centers he's also proposed in the neighborhood because the hospital would be for shorter, detoxification treatments as opposed to 28-day residential programs. “If they're going to say it's a …
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