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Eric Holder proposes new sentencing for drug offenders
Filed under: drug rehab treatment plan
Holder says he plans to alleviate the problem by ending harsh prison sentences for some drug-related crimes. He wants to … More than a dozen states are already moving in Holder's direction, shifting money away from prisons and to drug treatment centers.
Read more on WNCT
'New Southie' can't mask drug problems
Filed under: drug rehab treatment plan
“Half of the kids I used to hang out with are in jail,” Callanan said, and a few weeks ago, while circling for parking, she got caught in the middle of a shootout — police on one side, an alleged drug dealer on the other — and drove the red Jeep …
Read more on Boston Globe
Holder announces plan to evade federal law
Filed under: drug rehab treatment plan
By hiding the level of drugs seized in arrests, the new directive will allow sympathetic judges to avoid complying with “mandatory minimum” sentences set by Congress in the 1986, following the massive increase in crime throughout the 1960s and 1970s.
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