How Can I Stop My Addiction 2 Books??

Question by Booky524: How can I stop my addiction 2 books??
Ok, im 12(goin on 13) and I was wonderin how i can stop mi addiction 2 books. I go 2 the library prolly 3x a week and everytime i checkout about 20 books. I never end ^ readin them all, and it makes me mad that i cant. Can NE1 help moi??

Best answer:

Answer by Lindsey D
Don’t worry … I was like that when I was your age. I thought I would never slow down, but as I got older and busier I had to slow down. I still love to read now and days, but rather than reading 3-4 books a day I am now only reading 1-2 books a week (if I’m lucky.) Life will happen.

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National Conference on Holistic Addiction Treatment – Brain Repair for Addictive Disorders: Successful, Cost-Effective, Drug Free Therapies. April 17-19, 2009. 18 experts, 16 sessions, 9 workshops. 2.5 days of networking, exhibitors, & book signing. 4 Keys to successful recovery: Pro-recovery Diets, Targeted Supplements, Acupuncture/Acupressure, Mind-Body Integration. Earn up to 19 CEUs! Help your clients achieve clearer thinking, shorter detox, stabler recovery, and fewer relapses by correcting neurotransmitter deficiencies naturally. Register at Student discounts available.


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