Philip Seymour Hoffman Died of Accidental Drug Overdose: Coroner

Philip Seymour Hoffman died of accidental drug overdose: coroner
The actor had entered a drug rehabilitation program in 1989 when he was 22 and had been sober for more than two decades until he relapsed in 2013. He checked himself … Mississippi man, kicking in body bag, back from the dead. Sort of. Kerry Kennedy …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

3 Doors Down bassist Todd Harrell scrambled for Nashville home to avoid jail
He gave the judge a long list of prescription painkillers he said his client was legally taking when he was arrested in Mississippi. “I want the court … The judge marveled at the long list of drugs obtained after he had already gone to drug rehab …
Read more on The Tennessean

Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News – Mississippi — Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab News. Mississippi News talks about the successful Narconon Arrowhead program which has over a 70% …

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