Addiction Recovery: Monitoring Program at Clarity Way


Addiction Recovery: Monitoring Program at Clarity Way – After completing treatment for alcohol and drug abuse, a monitoring program helps to improve successful recovery through direct accountability. Our recovery coaches provide family members and friends relief and support from the often difficult task of following through on drug and alcohol abstinence. Ensuring that relationships remain strong among supportive family and friends are an essential component of successful addiction recovery. Our recovery coaches work with clients through check-calls, custom recovery plan creation, therapy sessions, support groups, and progress reports. We also provide timely updates for family and friends as well so that everyone involved in the recovery process can help clients reach their goals and find complete alcohol and drug abuse recovery. If you’d like to learn more about the addiction monitoring program at Clarity Way, visit our website at


Drug screening bill gaining momentum

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

An individual who is using illegal drugs or abusing controlled substances illegally is not ready to return to work. SB 21 would amend the Texas … SB 21 provides an exemption for unemployed Texans who are on a path to self-sufficiency and enrolled in …
Read more on Your Houston News


Camden property scouted for substance abuse treatment facility

Filed under: drug abuse treatment plans

McLean Hospital operates a similar facility named Fernside in Princeton, Mass., which deals with alcohol and co-occurring substance abuse issues. According to Levendusky and Gibbons, the proposed Fox Hill facility would offer a similar private-pay …
Read more on Courier-Gazette & Camden Herald (subscription)