Are There Suicide Hospitals/treatment Centers?

Question by Xtina_fan: Are there suicide hospitals/treatment centers?
My friend is suicidal and wants help and is wondering if there is any place she can go, kinda like rehab but for suicide instead of drugs and alcohol. She lives in Washington State so something local would be best but anything would be good.

Best answer:

Answer by Vagisil
yes there are.
if she’s willing to go without being forced, she could call 911 and ask them how she can go to one.. they can even send transportation. or you could just go to the emergency room and they can send her to one from there.

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Shining a light on Driving Under the Influence

Filed under: drug rehab treatment centers in washington state

You must enroll in an approved alcohol, drug, or mental illness treatment program and complete it satisfactorily. You may not drink or do drugs in that five year period. You will also be required by the Washington State Department of Licensing to …