Can Doing a Lot of Drugs Effect My Singing Abilities?

Question by Penny C: can doing a lot of drugs effect my singing abilities?
I’ve been into the whole ‘drug scene’ for a while now and have noticed my lack of motivation, and also my voice has weakened. I can’t hit certain pitches like I used to. Though, I really haven’t been stretching my voice either. I rarely practice any more. My question is: If I quit the drugs (or keep them as a rarity) and practice singing more will my voice strengthen?

Best answer:

Answer by Kira Chan
I think u should drop drugs period,
No drugs at all.
Itll keep u alive,perhaps help the voice.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



OETA Story on Youth and Oxycodone Addiction aired on 01/27/2012 – This story aired on the ONR on OETA-The Oklahoma Network. The reporter is Lis Exon; photojournalist is Edwin Wilson. For more information, go to the ONR web …


BBC-Guardian Exposé Uses WikiLeaks to Link Iraq Torture Centers to US Col

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

"As you know, the issue surrounding accusation of abuse and torture of Iraqi detainees is a complex one that is full of history and emotion," said Col. Jack Miller. … NARRATOR: This is one of the great untold stories of the Iraq War, how just over a …
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Morning Express: Tuesday, March 26 – Sydney Morning Herald

Filed under: drug abuse warning network

8:51am: The Royal Commission into child sexual abuse will hold its first hearing in Melbourne next week on April 3. An emergency hotline has reportedly been flooded with … 8:02am: On the bus network: Citybound buses using the M2 through Beecroft are …
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