Drug Addiction?

Question by mia333: Drug addiction?
Please help!!! My best friend came to me with a problem that i had no idea was going on. She has been addicted to a pill called ultram for 3 years. She said the moment she wakes up she takes it and takes about 7 a day. I thought she’d be dead by now! She knows she has a problem and wants to get help, but the problem is that she has a 1 year old son and is in college. She said she couldnt afford going to treatment. She couldnt bear with the fact of someone else having to take care of her son knowing that she was in a rehab. So what i wanted to ask if there is a possibility to recover without going away to rehab or something. Are there any recoverers out there that can help me help my friend. Also her doctors prescribes her this medicine and it’s not even a narcotic (or so she said) so im also wondering if you had to rate would you think this drug to be a little better than vicoden or anything like that?

Best answer:

Answer by Dennis J
Ultram is a type of narcotic-like oral pain reliever that is often prescribed to treat low back pain. Ultram (tramadol) was approved by the FDA in 1998 and acts centrally (in the brain) to modulate the sensation of pain; it is not an NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) does not have the anti-inflammatory effect of an NSAID, however. Its mechanism of action is similar to acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol), but Ultram is a stronger pain reliever than acetaminophen and has a weak narcotic effect.

i copyed and pasted that shes lying and its just as bad as vicodin

Answer by Lek
if its a non narcotic im really not sure…i mean for opiates they have something called saboxin (don’t know if i spelled that right) but its an opiate blocker and it helps the person not to go through withdrawl…but you have to get a doctor to give it to you, and im pretty sure the only doctors that give that out are the rehab ones.

I don’t know what her symptoms are, and i definately think she should just suck it up for her sons sake and just go to Rehab (its gonna hurt him WAY more if she stays a drug addict, than if she lets someone else watch him for a little while till shes better….she might say its because of her son that she wont go to rehab, but everyone who is addicted to something like that makes up excuses not to go because they are scared)

If there’s NO possible way that you can get her to go, than i would say she can try like weening herself off of them, by taking less and less a day untill her body isnt as dependant on them, and than hopefully she’ll get to the point where she can not take any anymore. Its really hard to get off of stuff like that.

I had an ex fiance who is addicted to pain killers, he quit a billion times (and told me he wasnt takin them anymore), he never wanted to go to rehab, always thought he could get off them by himself. Hes still addicted, and guess what, he doesnt have a fiance anymore.

I mean she obviously knows that she has a problem, and does want to change, but let me give you alittle advice about people like that, they reach out to you for answers, you help them in every possible way that you can, and usually they go right back….or they start lieing to you telling you they aren’t taking them when they are.

I’ve tried to help soooo many people…and you know what i realised….Get away from those kinds of people, cuz they aren’t going to change, and they are EXTREAMLY selfish. The drugs make them that way….

So help her out all you can, but don’t be suprised if she doesnt get alot worse before she gets any better. Most of the people i’ve seen had to hit rock bottom before they’d suck up their pride and do something real to try to help themselves.

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