Heroin Is Marion’s Economy


Heroin is Marion’s Economy – Our reason for this video is to explain why we chose to place yard signs around Marion, Ohio County and Marion, Ohio City. Our sole purpose is to create awareness in Marion of the huge problem that our community has with heroin addiction. We do not seek to harm the reputation of Marion, Ohio. We love our city. We love the community that we live in. We wish to make it a safe place for our children and families to live free from the threat of drug addiction, the crime that surrounds it, and the expense associated with the devestation of addiction in human lives, property, and money. We love Marion, Ohio. Marion needs a vast amount of help. It is up to us as members of our community to become active in combating this growing epidemic.


Suing doctors and drug companies for addiction to pain medication?

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Should doctors and pharmaceutical companies be liable to patients who become addicted to habit-forming drugs they prescribe/manufacture? If State Sen. Tick Segerblom (D-Las Vegas) has his way, they will be. Segerblom recently introduced SB 75, which …
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Gateway to heroin is often legally prescribed…

Filed under: free drug addiction help

By many accounts, the gateway to heroin addiction is not through other illicit drugs like cocaine or marijuana, but through prescription opiates like Oxycontin or Percocet. As such, one of … “That would be huge to helping this war against opiate use …
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Don't Miss the Sentinel's Feature on Drug Addiction

Filed under: free drug addiction help

Meola has been part of a team of law enforcement and county officials and treatment professionals that's helping develop a drug court for the county, which aims to use alternative sentencing methods to help rehabilitate non-violent addicted criminals …
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