How Do Drug Dealers Get Dianobol and All These Other Anabolic Steroids?

Question by Marina: How do drug dealers get dianobol and all these other anabolic steroids?
I am a female and really have no use for anabolic steroids, but I have always wondered. I work in a pharmacy and we usually stock Testosterone cypoinate in injectable form and Androgel, and Axiron which is testosterone in a gel. This is just synthetic testosterone made to replace the hormone that is usually made naturally in a man. My husband is into lifting weights and fitness all natural (no steroids) but he keeps hearing people buying Dianobol and Trenbolone ie Tren from some people in the bodybuilding business. In my 10 years of being a pharmacy technician I have never come across a doctor writing a prescription for Dianobol or Tren so this begs the question. Where are these people getting the stuff. I know drug dealers either manufacture their own stuff like (methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, heroin.) Others doctor shop for stuff like Vicodin, Adderall, Oxycontin and sell them. Doctor shopping being the illegal act of going to different doctors, faking a condition and acquiring an prescription. Do dealers actually make their own steroids and sell them, or is there actually doctors who will prescribe these steroids and then sell them on the side. I am just curious, looking from answers from people in law enforcement perhaps DEA, or bodybuilders or dealers. Please no generic preachy answers like “Steroids are bad mkay”. I obviously know the dangers of drug abuse and witness them myself remember I work in a pharmacy, and no my husband is not looking for steroids he just asked me thinking I might know but I honestly don’t. Thanks for reading, and appreciate any real answers.

Best answer:

Answer by Robert
My guess would be that there are underground labs that manufacture high quality imitations and then sell it in large quantities to a few distributors who then sell it to smaller scale distributors who then sell it to small scale local dealers so by the time it gets to the local dealer they don’t care where it came from as long as it looks right (proper pill stamps, size, shape, color) and that it works.

Just a guess though I don’t personally know any steroid dealers let alone their upline.

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