Interview With Herman Moore and Sean Jordan


Interview with Herman Moore and Sean Jordan – CEO of Best Drug Rehabilitation Per Wickstrom interviews Herman Moore and Sean Jordan at the Imagination Heals event.


Drug, alcohol rehab: an empty promise?

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

We read every day about notorious failures of drug and alcohol rehab, made even more public by Hollywood's perpetually neurotic glitterati. Is it all a scam? Well, in fact, some people do successfully untangle themselves from drug and/or alcohol abuse.
Read more on Delmarva Now


Rehab worker guilty to drugs charge after 12 years on the run

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

A WORKER at a rehabilitation centre has admitted possession with intent to supply around £40,000 of drugs after nearly 12 years on the run. Stephen Holmes absconded from justice in 2001 when he failed to turn up to court and fled the country. ? Man who …
Read more on This is Gloucestershire


Winning the Drug War – Boa Constrictor Style

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

These funds could be earmarked for drug rehab programs, of course. Lastly, through a long series of interminable class-action lawsuits, the substance producers could be forced to fund their own demise with massive awards for damages, funding for …
Read more on American Thinker (blog)