Is My Classmate a Drug Addict?
Question by fuzzypanda17: Is my classmate a drug addict?
Okay, so I recently started out at a new school and today there was a guy in my class who made lines with something that looked brown like tobacco and he snorted it. He didn’t act any different afterwards and he did this in front of everyone and no one seemed to see anything wrong with this. He then did it again during a lesson when he was sitting behind me. I’m really confused. Is he doing drugs? If so, what drug looks like tobacco, that you snort and has no apparant effect? He just got a little more hyper?
And should I worry about him, should I tell a teacher?
Please provide links to articles of information if possible.
If he was being funny, people would have laughed. Everyone didn’t seem to care.
Best answer:
Answer by gerneralyhigh
I think he is just trying to be funny, hes probly not a drug addict unless he comes to school with bloodshot eyes and his pupils are huge.
Answer by anna
Wow, and no one says or does anything?
I could totally be wrong, and maybe its some sort of brown sugar, or something commonly found at home.
But, it kinda sounds like heroin. If it is, please, report it immediately, for both your classmates sake – so they do not find this cool, and your classmate doing the drug – who needs to stop, heroin kills, its a horrible drug….
People alwayz assume heroin as white, but that’s only in it’s pure form.
(no info, but it does give a good picture of it)
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