Is There Any Truth or Promise to This?

Question by Bozz Mozz: Is there any truth or promise to this?
On the news there was a broadcast where a certain cancer treatment has been successful in putting type 1 in remission. I didn’t see the broadcast myself, so I don’t know much about it. Does anyone have more information on this?
It was definitely type 1 DM

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Peachy®
Are you sure it wasn’t a tuberculosis treatment that Denise Faustman used to cure type 1 in mice?:

Or, maybe this:

Answer by Holly
I heard that as well. Apparantly if it hasn’t been too long since the diagnosis then a type of chemotherapy can put it in remission. They stress the CAN though. Doesn’t work all the time just like it doesn’t always work with cancer. I was only diagnosed last week so I’m eligible for it. At the moment, doctors are only willing to try it on people who are within the first three months of diagnosis. I think it sort of “turns off” the immune system as that’s what causes type 1. I don’t think it actually turns it off or we’d be susceptable to all kinds of illnesses.

Here is the government website that has lots of information about it on:

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