Shocking Facts About Drug Abuse & Human Trafficking


Shocking Facts about Drug Abuse & Human Trafficking – “A friend on weed, is not friend indeed” – Abhishek Singh “Reality is a crutch for people who can’t handle drugs” – Mehak Sikka If you do cocaine, you’ll go insane!! – Eshita Bhargava “LSD leads to LSD” – Yashika Yadav “No drug is more addictive then life itself, just try it” – Sachin Kumar “Drugs; they get you high. So high, you die” – Vikas Chandra Don’t Huff, Don’t Puff. Keep away from that stuff ! – Akshay Sharma “Green the Grass” – Ishank Yadav Some of the slogans submitted by the users as part of a slogan competition held on the eve of International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Human Trafficking Visit www.facebook/ignitedv or for more details about the IIT Delhi students initiative that banks on individuals to help create meaningful change in their communities and also helps its users connect with partner NGOs by providing them with volunteering opportunities based on their interests & skills


Calgary psychiatrist found guilty of sexually assaulting patients

Filed under: drug addiction facts

He said despite having a five-page criminal record, a diagnosed mental illness, and alcohol and drug addiction problems, the man did the right thing. “For him to step forward and be the catalyst for stopping this particular sexual assault – as ironic …
Read more on Globe and Mail


My brother, Hans Rausing, entered a world of addiction where no one in the end

Filed under: drug addiction facts

The line between legal and illegal drugs is finer than most people imagine. Wealthy addicts, gripped by paranoia, eroded by drugs, frantic to keep their supplies flowing, are almost untouchable. Families look on in despair, but the fact is that their …
Read more on The Guardian


Don't let mayoral maneuvering muck up SPD reform

Filed under: drug addiction facts

And – because we give them the authority to arrest and even use deadly force when necessary – one of the most highly scrutinized. But 2013 will be no average year. … Beckett's study found that racial disparities in drug arrests in Seattle could not …
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