drug court

Drug Rehab New Jersey

Drug Rehab New Jersey — http://newjerseyaddictionnetwork.com/ -We provide therapy that is focused on identifying and dealing effectively with the emotional issues that trigger and e…

Woman awaiting drug treatment is sentenced for various crimes
Those convicted of such crimes find… Continue reading

Alabama CON Report – March 2014

Alabama CON Report – March 2014
RV2014-009, Tri-Vista Rehab, Inc., requests to establish an outpatient therapy clinic providing physical and occupational therapy in Birmingham, Alabama. Status: Pending. RV2014-010, Extendicare Health & Rehabilitation Center, requests to provide …
Read more on Mondaq… Continue reading

What Exersize Routine Should I Do?

Question by Lizzy Faye: What exersize routine should I do?
I have high blood presure i am over weight. 17 female, I do have anxiety and panic attacks. Please tell me what I should do at the gym and how… Continue reading

Udall Speaks on Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic

Udall Speaks on Prescription Drug Abuse Epidemic — At a Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control hearing, Sen. Tom Udall (D-NM) speaks on the emerging threat of prescription drug abuse and overdoses i…

Just Say No To These 11 Outrageous… Continue reading

Candidate for Gov. Wants to Decriminalize Some Drugs

Candidate for gov. wants to decriminalize some drugs
Not all people want to be reclaimed,” Richard Morrissey from West Springfield said. There are already drug courts in some regions of Massachusetts; defendants are required to enter rehab, move to some… Continue reading

Recovery Slogans and Quotes

recovery slogans and quotes — This is a psycho-educational addiction and mental wellness recovery method available 24/7. It’s got tools whether you are the one struggling or perhaps you’r…

Public-Private Partnerships From Hell
Stop the recidivism rates—lower them. That's what… Continue reading