Intervention Service Atlanta | Addiction Treatment Atlanta | Intervention Service Atlanta
Intervention Service Atlanta | Addiction Treatment Atlanta | Intervention Service Atlanta – Alcohol Drug Rehab Atlanta Call (706) 223-1944 to Get Help Now! We offer the best drug rehab, alcohol rehab facilities and drug detox programs in Atlanta,… Continue reading
Georgia Medicaid Pays for My Suboxone Every Month. but I Have to Take a Drug Test Every 3 Months?
Question by Brandi: Georgia medicaid pays for my suboxone every month. but i have to take a drug test every 3 months?
i messed up and took xanax, what will happen if they find it in my urine? will… Continue reading
If You Run Your Car Into a Tree in Your Own Yard Should You Have to Report It?
Question by Not worth it: If you run your car into a tree in your own yard should you have to report it?
In many states when you run your car into a tree ( or the like) on… Continue reading
Georgia Drug Use: Unemployment and Drug Testing
There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the myriad of workers in the U.S. who have been receiving unemployment compensation. Several extensions of unemployment payments have enabled some workers to receive checks for long periods of time – up… Continue reading
Visitation Rights in Georgia?
Question by : visitation rights in georgia?
3 years ago my sons bio father told me to f-off, don’t contact him, his fmaily or no one, called the cops on me and had them remove me and my son from… Continue reading
Drug Abuse Georgia: Teen Drug Abuse on the Rise
The internet is flooded with reports that teen drug abuse is on the rise. High school children are bringing everything from marijuana to alcohol to heroin on school grounds, often times selling it to other children. Years ago the perception… Continue reading