Drug Testing

Do Publixs in Georgia Use Urine or Swab Drug Testing?

Question by Bukkake: Do Publixs in Georgia use urine or swab drug testing?
I live in the Metro Atlanta area and have applied at a Publix. I’ve looked on the internet and it says that most Publixs do oral… Continue reading

Drug Abuse Atlanta: Crack Cocaine Abusers – Why They Lied to You Again

Crack cocaine abusers and liars, so the families and associates of crack users tell me, are one and the same. Is it possible to remove the lies while cocaine is still being abused? Hope I don’t have to answer that… Continue reading

Narconon of Georgia Talksa About the Dangers of Prescription Drug Abuse Online.


Narconon of Georgia talksa about the dangers of prescription drug abuse online. – Narconon of Georgia talks about the dangers of prescription drug abuse online. Narconon of Georgia uses the sauna detoxification system. Contact Narconon at 1-877-413-3073. Visit Narconon… Continue reading