drug use

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Drug Courts and Veterans Treatment Courts

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Drug Courts and Veterans Treatment Courts — Veterans Treatment Court highlights from “Drug and Veterans Treatment Courts: Seeking Cost-Effective Solutions for Protecting Public Safety and Reducing Reci…

Following veteran's overdose death, report finds problems at… Continue reading

Drug Addiction?

Question by mia333: Drug addiction?
Please help!!! My best friend came to me with a problem that i had no idea was going on. She has been addicted to a pill called ultram for 3 years. She… Continue reading

Disgraced Ex-Co-Op Bank Chief and West Bromwich Minister Paul Flowers

Disgraced ex-Co-op Bank chief and West Bromwich minister Paul Flowers
The Methodist minister stepped down as the bank's chairman in June, amid claims of illegal drug use and inappropriate expenses payments. A West Yorkshire Police … of a class… Continue reading

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board
Free Blood Pressure Screenings, 9:30 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays at Countryside Senior Living, front lobby. No appointment necessary. Blood pressure and blood sugar screening, 9 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays in the lobby at Westwood Nursing and Rehabilitation …
Read… Continue reading

La Paloma Drug & Alcohol Treatment Facility Tour – Memphis, TN

La Paloma Drug & Alcohol Treatment Facility Tour – Memphis, TN — La Paloma is a recognized dual diagnosis facility specializing in alcohol, drug and prescription drug rehab along with mental health issues. Located in Memph…

Unless Haslam Vetos It,… Continue reading

How Does Hiv Affect Buma?

Question by tiffanykurl3: How does Hiv affect Buma?
I am doing a presentation. So i need lots of info and facts and maybe statistics
1. Education
2. Poverty/ employments status
3. mobility/ migration
4. access to health services.

Basically how… Continue reading