What Is the Best Drug Rehab for Young Adults?
Question by Mary Williams: What is the best drug rehab for young adults?
I am trying to find the best treatment center in Arizona for my little brother. He is 21 and using heroin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.… Continue reading
South Carolina Rehab Rated #1 in LONG TERM Results
South Carolina Rehab Rated #1 In LONG TERM Results — South Carolina Rehab sc rehab rehab sc Rehab South Carolina Bronx Rehab Bronx Drug Rehab NY Drug Rehab Charleston South Carolina Florence South Carolina Sout…
Obama signs bill temporarily fixing… Continue reading
Withdrawing From Injecting Heroin, Massachusetts?
Question by CCC: Withdrawing from Injecting Heroin, Massachusetts?
Is there a way to get into a rehabilitation facility without any insurance ? The person is from MA which does have mandatory Health Ins but she just… Continue reading
Babies Born to Drug Addicted Mothers?
Question by Lyndzie: Babies born to drug addicted mothers?
I am writing a paper on drug addicted babies (meth, cocaine, heroin). Everything that I have read leads me to believe that every child born to a mother… Continue reading
Why Cant Drug Addiction Programs Reduce Drug Abuse?
Question by zach m: Why cant drug addiction programs reduce drug abuse?
I have to do a health debate on why drug addiction programs cant reduce drug abuse. any ideals
Best answer:
Answer by rhonda k
i have dealt with… Continue reading
What Is the Best Cancer Treatment Center? Do They Take Insurance or It Comes Out of Pocket? Please Help?
Question by Shrek: What is the best cancer treatment center? Do they take insurance or it comes out of pocket? Please help?
I just found out my dad has cancer and is going to get surgey… Continue reading