Gov. Deal Outlines Path Forward on Cannabis Oil Treatment
Gov. Deal outlines path forward on cannabis oil treatment
Georgia's medical college plans to launch clinical trials that could lead to the legal use of oil derived from the marijuana plant by children with epilepsy, Gov. Nathan Deal announced Thursday.… Continue reading
Does Drug Addiction Run in Your Family?
Question by babyphatlove0707: Does Drug Addiction Run In Your Family?
Hey all, I was sitting here wondering about drug and alcohol addicted people and their children. They say that if your parent’s are/were addicts than you are… Continue reading
Casey Helps Launch Group to Work on Prescription Drug Abuse
Casey helps launch group to work on prescription drug abuse
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Friday, U.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., announced that he has helped to launch a bipartisan working group on the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to… Continue reading
How Will I Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Kennebunkport, Maine?
Question by bridgette xsh: How will I find substance abuse treatment centers in Kennebunkport, Maine?
I want to know more about prescription drug addiction, specially those that involve sleeping pills. For this, I want to interview some… Continue reading
In Psych Wards, Why Do Nurses Assume You’re a Drug Addict?
Question by John: In psych wards, why do nurses assume you’re a drug addict?
me: Can i have an ambien to go to sleep?
jamican nurse (jn): ya had one yesterday!
me: i know, i need one tonight… Continue reading
THE LETTERS PROJECT: Families Dealing With Addiction
THE LETTERS PROJECT: Families dealing with addiction
The next time Chris visited the same doctor, he had been in a car accident and was experiencing back pain. She treated the problem, knowing he was …. She is spiraling out of… Continue reading