UNDER AGE ALCOHOL AND DRUGS USAGE!!! – Enjoy something made by me and my friends.


Alcohol abuse seen as big problem but with little being done

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

There is also a widely–held view that alcohol abuse and addiction have led to rapidly increasing morbidity which is pressuring households and costing the state a large amount of money in treatment of liver disease and lifestyle afflictions fuelled by …
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Shook, Hardy & Bacon LLP | Product Liability Litigation Report

Filed under: drug rehab treatment- lowering the drinking age

Given that the lower court has already found that, in the absence of the stipulation, the value of the amount in controversy was slightly higher than the $ 5 million threshold, it is likely the matter will remain in federal court. … Second Circuit …
Read more on Linex Legal (registration) (press release)