What Is Drug Rehab Like?

Question by pond: What is Drug Rehab like?
My Mom just entered an inpatient rehab program today and I am just curious about what it is like. She has been addicted to cocaine for the past 8 months.

Best answer:

Answer by Benzino
residential drug treatment facilities are all diferent but there are 2 main models of treatment out there there is the 12 step based model where the program runs around an alcoholics anonymous style of the 12 steps and patients are encouraged to surrender to their addiction, find a higher power, make ammends to whom they have harmed, goto aa meeting for the rest of their lives, and there is a counselling and informational type model where patients are encouraged to talk to eachother about their problems, find out why they are using drugs, what they can do to stop and find out who they are inside but mainly its A LOT OF GROUP TALKING i feel statements, and learning to live a drug free life when they get out looking at things like triggers of use, relapse prevention p[lanning, and peer support

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Heroin's Small-Town Toll, and a Mother's Grief

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Phil Drewiske, 23, who embraced recovery in prison after five overdoses and a dozen failed treatment programs, said he bore some responsibility for introducing heroin to the town. The son of local insurance agents, he started abusing painkillers stolen …
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