What Would Be the Best Addiction Treatment Program?

Question by bayley n_n: What would be the best addiction treatment program?
What are the components that should be present in an addiction treatment program?

Best answer:

Answer by andie l
First of all, addiction treatment programs are not just about medication. It’s not all about anti-depressants and mood stabilizers. There must be continued care and supervision. There must also be counseling and therapy. There must be a periodical assessment to keep track of the progress of the patient. The intensity and length of the treatment of the patient depends upon the severity of his drug addiction.

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Crouse Hospital to expand opioid-treatment program

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

Opiods are medications used as treatment to manage pain. Methadone is used an opioid pain reliever and as part of drug-addiction detoxification and maintenance programs, according to the website drugs.com. The site is based in Auckland, New Zealand.
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Crouse Hospital expanding its methadone program as painkiller, heroin

Filed under: drug addiction treatment programs

Demand is so great for treatment services addicts often must wait a year before they can get into the program, according to Mark Raymond, clinical supervisor of the program at 410 S. Crouse Ave. "This could be your neighbor, a father, a daughter, a …
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